Welcome to JVirus Home Page
"Write once, destroy anywhereIM"
JVirus is a plattform independent virus written in Java! In the serious, JVirus is a game like Pacman, the user control a virus and must destroy all data in the system and escape from antivirus opponents. It's only a game :). This Virus Project is supported by SourceForger.net, the first address on net for open source viruses:
1. News
- 29 October 2001
Version 0.3 ist released. This is the first release.
2. Screenshots
If you have screenshots from JVirus on other OS (Linux, Unix, Mac, ..., and BeOS :) ), then please send me these.
3. Download
JVirus is freeware, but please read the licence (it is short) at first time. With the use of JVirus you accept the licence.
You need Java 1.3, a minimum resolution of 800x600 and optional a soundcard to run it. Simply double click on the jar file or start it from the console with the command:
java -jar JVirus.jar
If you have trouble to run JVirus with sound, you can try to start it without:
java -jar -Djvirus.sound=disabled JVirus.jar
If you download the zip version, then you must first extract the jar file from the archive or download the jar file directly. The data in the jar file is stored without compession for faster execution.
for the source code and javadoc please visit the SourceForge side: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jvirus
4. Instruction
Imaginate that you are a virus. What you do? You destroy all data in the computer. That's the right attitude. OK, start with basics |
Controls |
arrow keys |
with up, down, left and right you can move the virus inside of the level |
n |
start a new game. All you lifes and points reset to default and you must start again to solve all levels |
l |
level selection. If you can't win a level, you can try to play a another. You lose all you points for the current level |
p |
pause. You have time to do other things (eating, sleeping, working, ...) |
1-9 |
select the background music |
h |
if you want to see this help table |
a |
nothing that you need to know. DON'T PRESS THIS BUTTON |
Fields |
that are unimportant data, but a good virus don't difference between important and unimportant data. For every piece that you destroy you get 1 Point |
that are important data. For every piece that you destroy you get 100 Points |
that are very important data. For every piece that you destroy you get 1000 Points |
protected data. You are to late. Evil antiviruses had protect the data. This data can block your way or kill you, so be careful! |
OS bonus. To destroy the OS, is the dream of every virus. For every piece that you destroy you get 2500 Points |
life. Every virus die, if he lose all his lifes, so be sure to has enough of these. You get for each new life 1250 Points |
hardware. Java is written for software not hardware. Hardware is uninteresting |
Beam. Transport you between two beams |

Key/Gate. Evil antiviruses close important parts of the level with gates. But they are so dumb to left the key in the near area. Search for the key. You get 500 Points per key |
the label say it |
5. Status
ToDo List
- make a applet version (Java 1.3 is needed)
- save game
- pushing of objects
- timer for game time
- minimum of destruction data
- highscore list
- internet highscore list
- level packs as zip files
- AI opponents
- network version
version 0.3 (first release)
- Webside
- basic graphics
- playing midi music and wav sound effects
- training levels
- objects fall, beam, key/gate
6. Books
(every link open a new frame)
Java for beginner
I didn't need these books (I had learned C/C++ before), so I can't say which is good. I recommend you to go to the next bookstore and ask for the bestseller book, thema "java for beginners".
Graphic Java 2, Volume 2, Swing by David M. Geary
An good book about Swing. I needed only this book to learn how to use Swing. It doesn't contains all concepts of Swing and it is not very new, but it is enough to understand how Swing works.
Java 2D Graphics by Jonathan Knudsen
If you want to learn and use Java2D you need this book. It describes all concepts of Java2D.
Pure JFC 2D Graphics and Imaging by Satyaraj, Ph.D Pantham
Another good book for Java2D. It has many examples.
Computer Graphics for Java Programmers by Leen Ammeraal and Leendert Ammeraal
This book is not realy related to Java and don't describes Java2D. The sourcecode in the book is a rewritten C code. If you want to learn how to write an own 2D or 3D engine with Java without use of Java2D or Java3D that works on every JVM version, then it is the right book for you.
7. Links
(every link open a new frame)
- SelfHTML (German)
The best online tutorial for writing HTML pages, includes CCS, integration of Java, JavaScript and many others. Better as every book.
my other Projects
- Juzzle
Juzzle ist a puzzle game written in Java.
- Animatronik
This is my other project. I work on it longer. It is a program to create Anime & Manga images.
8. About the autor
My name is Slawa Weis (email). I have over 6 years C/C++ and 4 years Java experience. JVirus is my second opensource program. My interests are programming, games, anime, 2D animation and multimedia in any art. If you have a question about Java or game programming and don't find the answer, so ask me, I try to help.
This webside was tested with Netscape 4.7, 6.0 and Intenet Explorer 5.5